International day of the Girl Child celebrated

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Participants pose for a group photo at Serena Hotel during the celebration of IDG

Celebrations to mark International Day of the Girl Child were held at the Kigali Serena Hotel. Following the United Nations General Assembly resolution declaring October 11 as the International Day of the Girl Child, Rwanda joined the world to mark this day for the first time. Over 70 girls and boys from secondary schools around Kigali attended the ceremony. They were joined by government officials, members of parliament and partners working for the protection of child rights.

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Hon. Gakuba Jeanne d’Arc (second from right shaking hands with Oda Gasinzigwa Chief Gender Monitor, PS MIGEPROF Julienne MUNYANEZA and Diana Ofwona UNWomen (extreme left) at the ceremony at Kigali Serena Hotel

The ceremony was organized in the framework of the ongoing Family Campaign which kicked off on 9th October 2012 with a goal to highlight the role of the family in the development and mentorship of young girls. For this year’s observance of the International Day of the Girl Child, Rwanda has chosen the theme ‘Abana b’abakobwa dufite agaciro’ - “We Young Girls Have Dignity”.

Girls present at the ceremony were given the opportunity to express their achievements, potentials and challenges in their own words and ways.

Speaking at the occasion, Diana Ofwona, the UN Women Regional Director urged girls to seize every good opportunity around them, keep good company and stay focused. “Even the sky is not the limit”, she said.

Madam Julienne MUNYANEZA, The Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion read out a message dedicated to young girls by Her Excellency the First Lady of Rwanda, Mrs Jeannette KAGAME.

The Guest of Honour, Hon. Jeanne d’Arc GAKUBA, urged young girls to take advantage of the equal opportunities availed to boys and girls in Rwanda and so develop themselves to their full potential. She advised young girls to know who they are and identify their dreams and aspirations as dignified and valued human beings.

Among other recommendations, the girls recommended that the International Day of the Girl Child be marked annually in Rwanda. They also requested that a mentorship program should be put in place for them to learn from role models and overcome challenges they face.

This event was organized by the National Commission for Children, the Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion in partnership with PLAN International, Girl Guides Association, Imbuto Foundation, Girl Hub, Akilah Institute, YWCA, and FAWE Rwanda.

Participants were entertained by Miss Jojo with her song ‘The Woman’.