Message on the importance of raising children in families delivered during “Umuganda” of 24th February 2018.

The National Commission for Children (NCC) staff joined residents of Gacurabwenge Cell, Byumba Sector of Gicumbi District in the monthly community work, “Umuganda” of 24th   February 2018.

During the three-hour service, the residents, Gicumbi District staff, military and police staff together with NCC staff rehabilitated Kigali-Gatuna road that was damaged by heavy rain.

After “Umuganda”, NCC staff reminded the residents to maintain the environment of love and safety in their families for the wellbeing of children and make sure that all children are raised in a family environment in order to effectively prepare them to sustain the development that their parents are struggling for today.

According to Dr. Claudine Uwera Kanyamanza, the Executive Secretary of NCC, the Rwandan government is committed to raising all children in family and this can be possible if the family is safe.

“The family should be a safe place for children to live in. You have to take care of them through giving them positive parenting, provide them with all they need to grow up, keep family unity and avoid anything that leads to child-family separation.” She told Gicumbi residents while opening the discussion.

She also encouraged families to reunite with their children currently residing in institutions if any and those willing to adopt children currently residing in institutions to do so through Tubarerere Mu Muryango Programme (TMM) staff working in Gicumbi.

The discussions made during the meeting after “Umuganda”include the importance of raising children in family, addressing issues affecting children in family as well as citizen’s responsibilities to ensure that all children are raised in family.

James Rudasingwa, NCC/TMM staff member pointed out that family environment is very key for effective psychosocial, intellectual and emotional development of children.

“For the full and harmonious development of his or her personality, the child needs parental love that he can only get from the family” He said.

Among common issues that hinders the programme of raising children in family, Rudasingwa pointed out family conflicts that lead to family breakdowns and to child-family separation, parents who are still abandoning children and families who do not manage their own fertility and give birth to children they are not able to take care of.

He requested Gicumbi residents to take their responsibility to eradicate all these issues and to provide special care to most vulnerable children.

Residents welcomed the message and requested for more campaign to solve issues pertaining to the programme of raising children in family.

The same message was delivered to citizens in all Villages all over the country after “Umuganda” of the 24th February 2018 to continue a strong community mobilization to address specific issues that are still hindering the implementation of the Strategy for National Child Care Reform through Tubarerere Mu Muryango Programme.

During the meeting, Dr. Kanyamanza thanked Inshuti z’Umuryango/Friends of family operating in Gacurabwenge Cell for the work they are doing to protect families and children. She also thanked the Mayor of Gicumbi District, Mr. Juvenal Mudaheranwa who was also present at “Umuganda” for the distinctive strong collaboration he exhibits with the National Commission for Children.