National Children’s Summit

The annual National Children Summit is a national level consultative forum that brings together children’s delegates from all administrative Sectors across the country. The Children’s Summit provides children with a special opportunity to express their views and wishes about building the nation. Children are also thus given a voice about what is done or planned for them, about the country’s policies and programs, about their rights, the country’s economic and social development, the challenges and the responses as well as about children’s own role in all that concerns them.

National Children’s Summit started in 2004. There have been 7 of them so far. All of them have taken place in Kigali City.

The themes of the last six Summits addressed the following issues: Unity and reconciliation; a Rwanda fit for children; children the country’s development plan; the role of children in fighting the genocide ideology; the role of children in fighting violence against children; education fit for children and children’s role; and Children and Equity: Our Contribution to EDPRS.

This year’s children’s summit is planned to take place in the beginning of December 2012. Preparations for the same are ongoing and the theme is yet to be determined.