NCC Partners with Noel de Nyundo, Rubavu District and HHC to secure loving families for children

On Wednesday September 19, 2012, the National Commission for Children (NCC) successfully launched a partnership with Rubavu District, Noel de Nyundo orphanage and Hope and Homes for Children (HHC) with a goal to reintegrate 522 children and youth living in the orphanage into loving families.

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In the launching ceremony, the vice mayor in charge of Social Affairs, Rubavu District, Madam Racheal NYIRASAFARI welcomed the partnership and emphasized on the commitment of the District in the coordination and facilitation of this exercise. She called upon the partners to get involved in the process of helping children in finding their families.

The Vice Chair of NCC Board of Commissioners, Ms. Murungi Peace, also appreciated this partnership and called upon all the Rwandan communities to get involved in the process of finding sustainable families for these children.

The Executive Secretary of the NCC, Ms. Zaina NYIRAMATAMA reminded the participants that the process of reintegrating children is in the framework of the implementation of the Integrated Child Right Policy which focuses on alternative family based care as one of its pillars.

She further reiterated on the need for collaboration with all the national and sub-national levels to achieve the stated goals in the Strategy for the National Child care reform approved by cabinet early this year. She thanked Nyundo Diocese, the management of Noel de Nyundo orphanage and other partners present for their interest and commitment in this process.

On behalf of HHC, the director of program/HHC, Delia Popp recognized the big role that institutions played in taking care of vulnerable children and explained that de-institutionalization is another way to complete what has already been started by such Institutions. She also articulated the role of HHC in the reintegration of children living in Noel de Nyundo orphanage whereby it has availed a team of experts composed of Social Workers and Psychologists to facilitate the smooth running of the exercise.

On behalf of Nyundo diocese, Jean Marie Vianney NSENGUMUREMYI the Vicar General of Nyudo Diocese said that they are happy to begin together the struggle of finding families to children who live in orphanages. He thanked the NCC and HHC for availing professionals and for how they are well prepared and equipped to reach the goal. “This partnership showed how hopeful we are for finding families that fit our children’s needs”-he said.

In her closing remarks, the vice mayor asked for commitment and support to this partnership in order to ensure that it is done efficiently and in the best interest of all the children.