NCC requests for combined efforts to end up teenage pregnancy

National Commission for Children (NCC) re-expressed the need of concentrated efforts from stakeholders on March 29, 2017, during the launch of Legal aid week in Musambira sector,  Kamonyi District. 

Addressing Musambira residents, the NCC Executive Secretary Dr. Claudine Uwera Kanyamanza discussed issues surrounding teenage pregnancy in Rwanda, such as root causes, consequences, interventions and roles each and every one should play to eradicate it.

Dr. Kanyamanza mobilized them for the fight against teenage pregnancy as it has immediate and long-lasting socio-economic consequences for teen parents, their children and the whole community.

“Teenage pregnancies often result into sexual transmitted diseases, death, school dropout and domestic conflicts. This should not be allowed in the country that protects its children at high standard level. Everyone must take his/her responsibility to eradicate it” She indicated

In most cases, the consequences lead the teenage mothers and their children into poverty as most of teen mothers are unemployed or underemployed due to their low education level.

During the discussion, Musambira residents showed a significant knowledge about the root causes of teenage pregnancy. They cited bad examples from parents, bad friends, young adults and married men who deceive teenage girls, drug abuse and lack of sexual and reproductive education among others.

“Some parents are misbehaving in the eyes of their children, and the children adopt the same behaviors and habits” Revealed one of them who requested for the intensification of checks over bars, hotels and lodges where she thinks young girls are impregnated.

Dr. Kanyamanza explained that the Government of Rwanda has already set the foundation to address the issue, but made it clear that finding a durable solution, requires intensive efforts from all stakeholders, especially teenagers themselves, parents, teachers, justice, local government, faith based organizations as well as NGOs.

That’s why, she requested all parents to provide age-appropriate comprehensive sexual and reproductive health education to develop the knowledge and skills they need to protect themselves.  At the same time, she urged them not to violate teenage mothers’ rights.

“We have come here to request for your support in the fight against teenage pregnancy. But if it occurs, we want you to protect teenage mothers. Do not abuse them. Instead, encourage them to register their children and report those who impregnated them as they must be prosecuted for that” She emphasized

Reporting those who impregnate teenager is a way of sending out a clear message that, the community is determined to prevent and eradicate teenage pregnancy.


Dr. Kanyamanza advised young girls to observe parents’ and teachers’ advice,to avoid bad friends and temptations from married men and young adults who deceive them with worthless materials.

“With your skills and opportunities the government has initiated for you, you can invest in yourselves, in your families and your communities to purchase yourselves more than what wrong dowers use to deceive you. However, pregnancy endangers your health, education and your potential, robbing you a better future” She said

Speaking on behalf of Justice Minister, Anastase Nabahire, the Coordinator of Justice Sector Secretariat, urged all parents to educate their children wisely to protect them from different dangers.     

“Let’s educate our children in a way that prevent them from ending up into bad practices like human trafficking, prostitution, drug abuse, and terrorism” He said.

He promised the Ministry’s assistance to those who encountered teenage pregnancy, encouraging them to report the cases so that the criminals who make the children pregnant are brought into court of justice. The Rwandan penal code in its article 191 provides that “Any person who commits child defilement shall be liable to life imprisonment with special provisions”.

The community mobilization session in Kamonyi District came after the one NCC and the Umbrella of Human Rights Organizations in Rwanda (CLADHO), conducted in Nyamasheke District, Nyabitekeli Sector on 17th March,2017. At this occasion NCC and CLADHO officials meet with teenage mothers and students of Group Scolaire Saint Bonaventure Buhokoro to raise awareness on teenage pregnancy.

This was also after a one-week anti-teenage pregnancy campaign the Government of Rwanda conducted through the Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion (MIGEPROF), the Ministry of Education (MINEDUC) and other partners. It was conducted between the 1st and 10th March,2017 under the theme “My bright future is in my hand” with a special focus on secondary schools country wide.

This highlights the ongoing efforts that the Government of Rwanda is investing in the fight against teenage pregnancy.