Partners committed to mainstreaming implementation of ICRP and summit recommendations across their institutions

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Yesterday April 4, 2013 at Lemigo Hotel, NCC convened a meeting with all its partners; governmental, non-governmental and media actors to discuss about the effective implementation of the Integrated Child Rights Policy (ICRP).

The objective of the meeting, which was presided over by a representative from the Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion (MIGEPROF) was to enhance collaboration with different institutions in order to realize the effective implementation of ICRP and other programs that aim at protecting and promoting the rights of children in Rwanda.

In his opening speech, Mr. KAREKEZI Alfred, Analyst in Gender and Family Promotion, MIGEPROF elaborated that the objective of the policy is to ensure that rights of every child in Rwanda are realized; guide policy, planning, legislation and programme interventions designed for children, and establish mechanisms by which evidence on children’s issues are collected, analyzed and used.

During the meeting, the policy and its strategic plan were presented and the activities/ roles of different ministries and institutions were clearly highlighted. Also presented were the recommendations from the 8th National Children’s Summit, which was held in January this year where different partners agreed on the indicators and time frames for the smooth implementation and reporting of the summit resolutions.

Also present at the meeting was the national president of the children’s forum, Mr. Murenzi Alex who thanked the government of Rwanda and the participants for their endless efforts in establishing a conducive and enabling environment for the children. He also expressed commitment on behalf of the children to use the opportunity and resources put in place in growing into responsible and patriotic citizens.

Because of the cross cutting nature of children interventions and programs, the Executive Secretary of NCC, Madam NYIRAMATAMA Zaina requested the institutions present to take a lead in mainstreaming children programs and activities in their action plans and regularly report on their progress of implementation. She also pledged NCC’s support in the processes of coordination, advocacy and monitoring of the different services provided.

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MURENZI Alex President Children’s Forum (L) and NYIRAMATAMA Zaina Executive Secretary NCC at the meeting