Police takes child rights awareness to Kamonyi

Rwanda National Police (RNP) has urged students of GS Remera Indangamirwa in Rukoma Sector of Kamonyi District to champion the protection  of child rights.
The call was made by the District Community Liaison Officer (DCLO) Inspector of Police (IP) Athanase Niyonagira while meeting with close 800 students on June 30 at the school premises.
In his address to the students, IP Niyonagira urged students to promote children rights by standing up against any form violence against children saying that such kind of violation prevent children from developing into useful members of society.
“Government has put in place numerous measures to protect and promote the rights of children in all spheres, with the priority put on education and health. This is why we are requesting  you to be ambassadors in promoting and advancing these measures,” said the IP Niyonagira. .
He went on to say that, there are times when parents or guardians abuse the rights of children under the pretext that they are punishing them, the moment you notice this kind of treatment do not hesitate to call police on child help line,116.
“The laws are stringent against any form of child abuse. Some parents and guardians are frequently causing their children to feel frightened or in danger by constantly exposing them to domestic violence – and witnessing or hearing ill treatment between their own parents. Such children grow up to become criminals or are easily influenced by fraudsters who whisk them away into human trafficking or prostitution,” he said.
“You must therefore stand up and ensure each is treated with dignity. This can be achieved through quick response and providing timely information where you encounter such abuse,” IP Niyonagira said.
Some of the key child abuse cases include verbal assault, child labor, defilement and denying them a right to go to school.
One of the students, Abdul Niyonzima who spoke on behalf of his fellow students thanked the police for the knowledge they acquired and said; “amongst us are many who still fall in the category of children; this lecture helped us understand our rights,responsibilities  and how to ensure they aren’t violated.”

Source: Police takes child rights awareness to Kamonyi