Rwanda organises a national exhibition on child rights as it gears up for 10th National Children’s Summit and 25th CRC anniversary celebrations

Twenty children from EAC member states join their Rwandan counterparts for celebration.

Kigali, (18th November 2014) – The biggest national exhibition on child rights to mark the 10th national children’s summit and 25th UN child right convention celebration takes place in Kigali today with over 25 five organizations participating

A one day exhibition on child rights and protection brings together government organizations and NGOs both national and international engaged in child rights protection to showcase their achievements for the last 20 years after the 1994 genocide against Tutsi.

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Speaking at event at Petit Stade, in Remera, Minister of Gender and Family Promotion, Oda Gasinzingwa, said that twenty years after the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi, Rwanda is celebrating the progress made and mapping out ways to better protect and promote the rights of all children in Rwanda.

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“It is a unique occasion to showcase our achievements for the last 20 years, but also to take stock of innovative action by organizations to address ongoing national challenges relating to child rights and protection,” said the Minister.

The 10th National Children’s Summit celebrations, under the theme, “20 Years and Beyond: Advancing Child Rights in Rwanda”, kicked off with last month with children grassroots consultative meetings; all to reflect the efforts and achievements made in promoting and protecting child rights in Rwanda.

More than 500 children from across the country including twenty from East Africa Community member states are expected to convene in Kigali to participate in the national event, which coincides with the 25th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC).

“There is much to be celebrated considering the tremendous progress registered in sectors such as health, education and social security, to name but a few. These developments lend significantly to the protection and promotion of children’s rights and ensure their participation in Rwanda’s development process,” the Minister added.

Since 2004, Rwanda has successfully organised the National Children’s Summit to ensure meaningful child participation in Rwandan society, helping Rwandan children to gain knowledge on their rights and responsibilities as citizens. The 10th and 25th anniversary of the summit and convention will provide a platform to reflect on the achievements made to date, and address any challenges with regards to child rights and protection. It will also be an occasion for the Government of Rwanda and other stakeholders to review and renew their commitments towards the implementation of policies, programmes and strategies in this area.

Speaking on the event, Zaina Nyiramatama, Executive Secretary of National Commission for Children, said, “Rwanda is now consolidating gains in all sectors of development including the child rights and protection sector where great success has been recorded through policy formulation as well as legal and institutional frameworks.

UNICEF Representative, Noala Skinner also commended Rwanda for its efforts in developing and implementing programmes that ensure better lives for children, saying, “It shows that children are at the heart of the country’s development.” She also thanked Rwanda’s leadership for enabling UNICEF to accompany the country on its tremendous journey. “Rwanda has shown one hundred per cent commitment to adhering to the CRC principles,” Ms Skinner said.

The event which is scheduled 20th November, is organised by the National Commission for Children (NCC) in collaboration with the Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion, provinces and the City of Kigali. UNICEF, Global Communities, Plan Rwanda and CHF International have provided extensive technical and financial support towards the organisation of the summit.

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