The first child protection subgroup meeting concluded with success

In order to improve coordination of the implementation of policies, programs and projects relating to Family Promotion and Child Protection, the Ministry of Gender and Family promotion has initiated the Child and Family Protection Technical Working Group gathering all government and non-government institutions intervening in the domain of Family Promotion and Child Protection.

As a leading body that coordinates, implements, oversees and monitors all child-related issues in the country, the National Commission for Children (NCC) has been mandated to chair a sub group with the responsibility to ensure the overall coordination of child protection interventions to remediate the poor coordination and direction of all stakeholders in the field. In this regards the first coordination mechanism meeting of key organizations intervening in child protection in Rwanda took place in Kigali on the 27th September, 2017.

The aim of the meeting was to share with all organizations involved in child protection the new coordination mechanism of the child protection system from National to local levels; discuss the key priorities for the 2017-2018 fiscal year and sharing challenges in reporting on child protection then discuss together solutions and actions to address these challenges.

In her opening remarks, the Executive Secretary of NCC, Dr. Claudine Uwera Kanyamanza described the meeting as the beginning of a strong partnership.

“This meeting is a good starting point for transforming our partnership into a joint venture in child protection which will only be characterized by transformative interventions to children and evidence-based programming that prioritizes the most Vulnerable.” She said

For partners such a meeting is a good opportunity to strengthen the child protection system by providing a clear guidance on child related interventions.

“I hope this meeting will be a regular forum with the same participants so that we can have a kind of continuity” Said Patricia Lim Ah Ken, Chief Child Protection/ UNICEF Rwanda who commended the Rwandan child protection system.


During the meeting NCC shared with partners its key priorities for the 2017-2018 fiscal year for their reference in their plans in the future and their potential alignment.

The key priorities include care improvement for the most vulnerable children. With this priority, NCC will provide in-service training to Inshuti z’Umuryango (Friends of Family), hold coordination meetings of Inshuti z’Umuryango at Sector and District level, reintegrate children from centers into families and provide income generating activity support to foster families in need.

The other priority is enhancing health and well-being of children. This will be done through conducting awareness campaigns on family planning, reproductive health, nutrition, hygiene and teenage pregnancy, providing psycho-social, legal and economic support to teen mothers as well as assisting children with health issues. Improving access to identity and nationality for children and juvenile justice as well as enhancing child participation through implementing specific programs are also key priorities.

The outcome of the meeting

While some of the partners pledged to support the implementation of the key priorities for the welfare of children, participants recommended the mapping of all stakeholders to know who is doing what and from where to avoid any duplication. They also recommended the consistence of such a meeting with the participants who can take decisions in their organizations to ensure that decisions made are implemented smoothly. While the reporting system between NCC and its partners is still a challenge both sides agreed on the reporting system from local level to National level.

The next coordination mechanism meeting planned in three months will concentrate much on the operationalization of Inshuti z’Umuryango.

The sub group created within the Child and Family Protection Technical Working Group that gathers partners intervening in Child Protection, Family Promotion and Gender Based Violence prevention, is led by the National Commission for Children as a Government body with the responsibility of enhancing child rights and protection. UNICEF is the co- chair while its secretariat is ensured by Save the Children. `