2018: DAC commemoration to focus on ECD Programme

On the 16th of June 2018, Rwanda will join other member countries of the African Union (AU) to commemorate the Day of the African child (DAC).  At the level of the African continent, this year’s DAC will be celebrated under the theme of “Leave no child behind for Africa’s Development”. To align this theme to Rwanda’s political and policy focus, the event will be celebrated under the theme: “Twitabire gahunda mbonezamikurire y’abana bato, dutegure ejo heza h’u Rwanda”.            

The theme was chosen to reiterate the Rwandan Government’s commitment to promote inclusive development by ensuring the child’s well-being and good future as well as reducing social inequities within a generation through the holistic approach of Early Childhood Development (ECD) program.


As sustainable development must leave no child behind, ensuring the healthy cognitive, social, physical and emotional development of young children must be of the highest priority of every responsible stakeholder interested in the development of the country: government, private sector, Non-Government Organizations (NGOs), civil society, Faith based organizations (FBOs), communities, families and individuals alike.


In the framework of the preparations for DAC commemoration, the Child Protection sub cluster met on 31st May 2018 to discuss the developments so far as well as every one’s role in the celebration.  

While opening the meeting, Dr. Claudine Uwera Kanyamanza, the Executive Secretary of the National Commission for Children said that there are many activities that have been carried out and others that will be conducted to mark the celebration of DAC in this year 2018. 

“A series of activities bringing awareness on the importance of adopting ECD practices within the families and of enabling access to ECD interventions at National and decentralized level have been carried out from May to June 2018. Furthermore a symposium on ECD, focusing on exhibiting crucial interventions and best practices for 0 to 6 years old children will be organized on 14th June 2018.” She pointed out.

Other planned activities include:

·         Offer appropriate equipment for selected ECD centers like early learning and play materials;

·         Providing cows to ECD Centers in need;

·         Delivering health services targeting children’s appropriate growth;

·         Delivering messages on the importance of ECD program through Radio and TV spots, talk shows and Itetero Program.

At national level, the celebration of the Day of the African Child will be held in Gakenke District, Northern Province. Nevertheless, each District and its partners will organize and celebrate the day.