Children and youth are urged to promote heroism

Children and youth are requested to promote heroism to play a critical role in national cohesion and development.

Officials made the call during the annual commemorative event of Nyange school heroes who were killed by the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR) militia in 1997. The event took place in Nyange sector in Ngororero District on March 18th, 2018. 

Speaking at the event, Governor of Western Province Alphonse Munyentwari emphasized that it was very important to honor the fallen students as they proved solidarity and rejected ethnicity.

He urged Rwandans, especially children and youth to emulate the Nyange heroes to maintain the country’s unity and cohesion.

“Let me address this to the youth here present: Becoming a hero is not about ones’ age, the Nyange students who became heroes were young, but this was never a barrier to them to become heroes. As youth, you need to emulate them and strive to always promote heroism.” he said.

Apart from officials representing different institutions, the event was attended by hundreds of residents including children and living heroes who survived the attack.

One of the survivors Phanuel Sindayigaya, described the circumstances under which the attack happened.

“It was on March 18, 1997 around 8:00 pm while the group of FDLR militia entered the school. They immediately went in our classroom and ordered us to separate basing on ethnicity. We refused and two of us replied: “we are all Rwandans”. This irritated them and they started throwing grenades and shooting on us indiscriminately” He said.

He urged all Rwandans, especially children and youth to emulate such heroism by promoting unity, solidarity, love as well as moral righteousness and avoid any discrimination for the good of the humanity and the country.

Pierre Damien Habumuremyi, the chancellor of the Chancellery for Heroes, National Orders and Decorations of Honor (CHENO), commended Nyange school heroes for demonstrating unity and solidarity at early age even at the risk of their lives and urged Rwandans to take it as a strong lesson for unity and reconciliation.

The event was marked by a Mass at Nyange Catholic Parish and a walk from the parish to the school before officials laid wreaths of flowers on the graves where two of the victims of the attack were laid to rest.

The over 47 honored Nyange students are categorized in Imena category of heroes. Six of them, were killed on the spot, two died of attack’s wounds later while 39 were injured. Survivors have formed an association called “Komezubutwari” to keep together Nyange Heroes and their families and promote the culture of peace building and heroism.