Global Fund Project

NCC/Global Fund Project is one of the Government Projects which is based in the Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion to improve the lives and livelihoods of those made vulnerable due to HIV and AIDS, including orphans and other vulnerable children and caregivers, by strengthening decentralized systems of decision-making, service provision, and enhancement.

This project started in 2008 as Global Fund Round 6 with the purpose of supervising and providing technical support to ten Districts in which Global Fund was working. These Districts included Kayonza, Kirehe, Ngoma, Musanze, Burera, Huye, Rusizi, Nyanza, Gisagara, and Nyamasheke.

In a period of one year, Round 7 started in 2009 which integrated all the activities of Round 6 with implementation of different activities and working with other NGOs (World Vision, SWAA Rwanda, Food For the Hungry and Strive Foundation) intervening in the 10 Districts where the project was already operating.

In 2010, Global Fund combined all its Rounds into a Single Stream Funding (SSF/HIV) and was later extended to all the thirty Districts in the country. This raised the budget from 8,232,095 USD to 24,896,522 USD for 2 years. The main activities for these two years are related to support of 41,484 OVC in Secondary Schools, 20,000 pupils in Primary Schools, 2,465 in Vocational Training Schools, support to 100 ECDCs and IGA to OVC foster care families. Achievements and detailed planned activities can be obtained from the file below.