Children’s reintegration - Strategy to ensure the sustainable reintegration of children without parental care in Rwanda.

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The care of children matters to all of us. It affects how we live; influences our capacity to develop, both as individuals and as a society; and it reflects our aspirations for the kind of world we wish to live in. In Rwanda, the government policy stipulates that, all children, where possible, should be cared for by their own family. Supporting children to grow up in a permanent, safe and caring family is at the heart of adequate care.

It is with this regard that Rwandan government has put in place a national strategy for Child Care Reform with Tubarerere Mu Muryango Program (TMM) as an entry point. This program, approved by the Rwandan Cabinet of Ministers in 2012, explains why the care of children underpins the achievement of several fundamental rights as well as broader physical and mental development. It describes how Rwanda is committed to give every child a family. It explains approaches that will be taken to reintegrate all children in institutions into families as well as mechanisms to prevent child abandonment and neglect. It examines why children are constantly taken into institutions, and it highlights what action is needed – and by whom – to ensure that children are better cared for.

Be part of the change

Why your partnership matters

We strive for a better life of every Rwandan child by ensuring that every child lives in a safe, caring, permanent family. Making this immense challenge a reality will only be possible if together we take actions. The impact we’ve already begun to make has only been possible thanks to our dedicated partners, including line government bodies, development partners and NGOs.

The National Commission for Children extends an open invitation to organizations wishing to support Tubarerere Mu Muryango Program.

We would greatly value your comments and your support. Please get in touch with us to discuss our work on the Contact Us page.

PDF - 569.4 kb
Brief Summary TMM program
PDF - 76.8 kb
Strategy for National Care Reform