Day of African Child

The Day of the African child (DAC) is commemorated every year on 16th June by all member states of African Union (AU), and its corresponding partners. The continent-wide holiday commemorates the spirit of the South African children who sparked the Soweto uprising of 1976 many of whom gave their lives. On the other hand, DAC further presents an opportunity to reflect on the lived realities of children in Africa.

In Rwanda DAC commemoration provides an occasion for relevant government institutions, international institutions and NGOs to renew their on-going commitments of raising awareness on issues affecting children in general and particularly vulnerable children. Every year the AU proposes a theme that all member states draw on in preparing and planning the event, and this year’s proposed theme states that: “Eliminating Harmful Social and Cultural practices affecting children: our collective responsibility”.

PDF - 136 kb
Concept Note for the celebration of DAC 2013