G20 anti-corruption working group Ministerial meeting

On this Thursday 22nd October 2020, the Minister of Justice and Attorney General, Busingye Johnston represented Nepad and Government of Rwanda at the...

Community representatives were sensitised on crime prevention, GBV and child defilement prevention

From September to October 2020, the Ministry of Justice in collaboration with the European Union through its project “Support the Ministry of Justice...

50 Universal Periodic Review recommendations have been fairly implemented

On Monday 19th October 2020, the Ministry of Justice held a press conference to brief the media on the 3rd Universal Periodic Report of Rwanda...

Validation meeting on the 3rd Universal Periodic Report of Rwanda

On Friday 25th September 2020, Minister of Justice and Attorney General, Busingye Johnston chaired virtual validation meeting on the 3rd Universal...

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Ndi Umunyarwanda initiative tops lawmakers’ retreat

Senators and Deputies from 29th October 2013 headed to Gabiro School of Infantry in Gatsibo District, for a three-day retreat largely focused on...

Nyombayire appeared before the court in France

According to AFP report, Vénuste Nyombayire a Rwandan Nationality who is detained in France, has been appeared before the Court at the end of last...

New Bill to allow private notaries to operate

Private notaries will be allowed to operate if a new Bill determining the organisation and role of the public notary is enacted into law.


Abunzi seen as a key in resolving land disputes

According to Johnston Busingye, the Minister for Justice, most land disputes in the country are small claims that can be resolved through mediation...

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