Law N° 66/2018 of 30/08/2018 regulating labour in Rwanda
Law Nº 68/2018 of 30/08/2018 determining offences and penalties in general
Law N° 62/2018 of 25/08/2018 governing public procurement
Law Nº 51/2018 of 13/08/2018 relating to the prevention, suppression and punishment of trafficking in persons and exploitation of others (From Page 90)
Law N° 56/2018 of 13/8/2018 relating to arms (Page 13-63)
Law No 22/2018 of 29/04/2018 relating to the civil, commercial, labour and administrative procedure
Law Nº 59/2018 of 22/8/2018 Law on the crime of genocide ideology and related crimes (Page 64-77)
Law No 44 bis/2017 of 06/09/2017 Relating to the protection of whistle blowers
Law Nº32/2016 of 28/08/2016 governing persons and family
Law No37/2016 of 08/09/2016 determining the organisation, jurisdiction, competence and functioning of Abunzi Committee.