PO.Box: 160 Kigali-Rwanda
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Denmark to extradite Genocide suspect Mbarushimana
A top Danish court today ruled that Genocide suspect Emmanuel Mbarushimana must be extradited to Rwanda to stand trial and charges about his role in...
GoR will not give up to ask acquiring ICTR archives
The Minister of Justice and Attorney General Busingye Johnston said yesterday 05th November that the Government of Rwanda will not give up to ask...
Nigerian judges appreciated the Rwandan home-grown solutions in justice
60 Nigerian judges from the state of Lagos in Nigeria who are practicing their retreat in Rwanda appreciated Gacaca and Abunzi system like...
MPs commit to support ‘Ndi Umunyarwanda’ initiative
An atmosphere of cheerfulness was evident in a conference hall of the Gabiro School of Infantry as lawmakers on Friday concluded a three-day retreat...