
The new Rwanda constitution of 2003 amended in 2015 is in force

From the 24th December 2015, Rwanda has a new constitution in force.  This Constitution of 2003 was voted by Rwandan population during the referendum...

Justice sector Thematic Working Group of Communication carried out a study visit at Rwanda National Police

On Wednesday the 23rd December 2015, Justice Sector staff in charge of Public relations and communication visited the communication and media...

MINIJUST staff shared Christmas with Genocide orphans from Club Urumuli

On Thursday the 24th December 2015, MINIJUST staff   led with Honorable Minister of Justice/Attorney General Busingye Johnston and the Permanent...

Appeals Chamber Delivers Judgement in the Nyiramasuhuko et al Case

The Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, composed of Judge Fausto Pocar, presiding, Judge Carmel Agius, Judge Liu Daqun,...

Meeting on abandoned property management

From 3rd to 4th December 2015, the Ministry of Justice organised a workshop with the aim of examining the achievements in abandoned property...

The ICTR closes officially

On Tuesday the 1st December 2015, the International Court Tribunal for Rwanda based in Arusha Tanzania officially closed its doors.  The ceremony was...

Address by BUSINGYE Johnston, Rwanda’s Minister of Justice& Attorney General, on the occasion of the Closure of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR)

The President of the MICT

The President of the ICTR

Judges of the Tribunal Past and Present

The Prosecutor, MICT-ICTR

The Registrar of the MICT


Meeting between Hon Minister of Justice and Attorney General with ICTR delegates

On 12 November Hon Minister of Justice/ Attorney General received a delegation from the ICTR representatives composed by its President  Vagn Prusse...

Rwanda Penal code revision under way

On this Wednesday the 11 November 2015, the Ministry of Justice and other Justice Sector institutions had a meeting at Nobleza Hotel to exchange on...

Rwanda to implement 50 human rights recommendations from the UN Human Rights Council

On Tuesday the 10th November 2015, Minister of Justice and Attorney General Busingye Johnston together with the Chief Executive Officer of Rwanda...