PO.Box: 160 Kigali-Rwanda
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Norway primed to extradite former Southern Province teacher
Former teacher in Southern Province, suspected of having participated in the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi, is facing possible extradition from...
MINIJUST to empower Access to Justice Burreaus (MAJ)
Busingye Johnston; The Minister of Justice and Attorney General thanked Access to Justice Bureaus known was as Maison d’Accès à la Justice (its...
Speech of the Permanent Secretary/Deputy Attorney General, Ministry of Justice on the occasion of the Launching of the One-UN Flagship Programme “Promoting Access to Justice, Human Rights and Peace Consolidation in Rwanda”
Honorable Ministers,
Your Excellency the UN Resident Coordinator & UNDP Country Representative,
Distinguished Guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Speech of the Minister of Justice/Attorney General on the occasion of the Launching of the One-UN Flagship Programme “Promoting Access to Justice, Human Rights and Peace Consolidation in Rwanda
Honorable Ministers
The UN Resident Coordinator & UNDP Country Representative,
Distinguished Guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
As we sit in this...