
Minister of Justice and Attorney General opened a three day workshop on human rights

On this Tuesday the 27th September 2016, Minister of Justice and Attorney General opened a three day workshop of Rwanda Civil Society Coalition on the...

Minister of Justice and Attorney General held a press conference to brief media on recently published laws

On Tuesday, September 20, 2016, Minister of Justice and Attorney General Busingye Johnston held a press conference to explain new laws which were...

The Justice sector will start reporting on Sustainable Development Goals

This statement was made by the Justice sector Coordinator during the two days workshop on domestication of Sustainable Development Goals in Justice...

The new Law governing matrimonial regimes, donations and successions is published

On August 1st 2016, a new law governing matrimonial regimes, donations and successions was published in the official gazette N° 31. The current law...

No country should accept being a den of Genocide actors perpetrated against Tutsis

A group of Members of Parliament from  East Africa (EALA) which prevents and fight against Genocide was  in Rwanda from 11Th to 18thSeptember 2016, in...

Rwandans should be equipped with disputes resolution skills to reduce time and resources spent in ordinary courts

From August 31st, 2016 to 1st September 2016, the Ministry of Justice in collaboration with the  Institute of Legal Practice and Development have...

Sudanese delegation on a study tour in Rwanda Ministry of Justice

A Delegation of 23 people from Sudanese Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Commission, Sudanese Ministry of Justice, UNDP and UN Women Khartoum is on a...


On August 12th 2016, the Ministry of Justice made public the announcement urging all those who have debts towards the Government of Rwanda to pay them...

Justice Sector Public Relations and Communication staff was trained on media legal reporting

From Monday the 8th to 12th August 2016, Justice Sector Public Relations and communication staff participated in a 5 days training on media legal...

The Ministry of Justice warns Government defaulters to pay within 15 working days

On this Friday the 12 August 2016, Minister of Justice and Attorney General Busingye Johnston had a press conference to brief the media on the status...