
Never again should not be theoretical

While commemorating the 1994 genocide against Tutsi, the Director General of FARG, Mr. Ruberangeyo Théophile, gave a public lecture to the staff of...

Rwanda shared its conflict management expertise with neighbouring Countries in a regional meeting on mediation

From the 30  March till  03 April 2015  a team of  10 Rwandan Mediators from all Provinces and the City of Kigali  led by Mr Anastase Balinda, the...

Five year Government’s achievements in the Justice Sector (2010-2015)

On 6th April 2015, the right Honorable Prime Minister  presented to the Members of Parliament both Chambers the 5 years Government achievements in...

Training for State Attorneys on Managing Major Litigation

The Ministry of Justice in collaboration with ILPD identified management of major litigation as a priority area for training this financial year (FY...

Training for Chief Budget Managers on Contract Management

The Ministry of Justice in collaboration with ILPD organized training for Chief Budget Managers on Contract Management from various Government...

Media should report any news about suspected corruption

Today the 26th March 2015 Minister of Justice and Attorney General presided over the swearing in ceremony of 60 Non Professional Bailiffs and...

New strategies to speed up judgment execution process now in place

The process of judgment execution is very important as it is the last phase of rendering justice to both sides in a court case.  There is no justice...


Yesterday on 11 March 2015, the Ministry of Justice and One UN-Rwanda have jointly organized a stakeholders’ consultative meeting to evaluate the...

Gov't mulls harsh penalties for misuse of public funds

The Government should set up stiff measures for public officials implicated in swindling taxpayers’ money, the Minister for Justice, Johnston...

Minister Busingye together with Gicumbi citizens cultivated wheat while launching agricultural season 2015B

On 10th March 2015, Minister of Justice and Attorney General, Busingye Johnston who is also Gicumbi Focal person in Government, launched agricultural...