Rwanda to review Integrated Nuclear Security Support Plan (INSSP)

Participants of the national workshop to raise awareness for nuclear security pose for a group photo.

Kigali, 5th December 2019: The Government of Rwanda in collaboration with International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), has organized a national workshop to raise awareness on nuclear security and conducted the review of the Integrated Nuclear Security Support Plan (INSSP).


The workshop brought together Government officials and experts from IAEA, with aim to raise awareness on nuclear security among participants with a broad view on how to develop, maintain and sustain a national nuclear security regime.


The participants emphasized their role to work on the physical protection for nuclear material and facilities, nuclear security of radioactive sources in use and in transportation, detection and response to nuclear and other radioactive materials out of regulatory control.


The review of the integrated nuclear security support plan (INSSP) also focused on current status of Rwanda in Nuclear Security; identifying Government priorities, effective and efficient implementation plan aligned to National Strategy for Transformation (NST-1) based on the identified priorities in nuclear security; identifying all the conventions and treaties that need to be signed and ratified and increasing awareness on the Nuclear Security Information Management System (NUSIMS) as well.


In her opening remarks the INSSP Officer for Rwanda/IAEA Division of Nuclear Security Ms. Madalina Man on behalf of the Director of Nuclear Security at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), mentioned that IAEA commends Rwanda’s effort in its journey on the peaceful use of nuclear since 2016 when the first INSSP was developed. IAEA will continue to support the Regulatory Body (RURA) in the establishment of the regulations as per the Radiation Protection Law which was enacted in 2018.


According to Patrick NYIRISHEMA, Director General of Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Authority (RURA) as government regulatory agency, RURA will actively be engaged in the whole process to effectively implement the outcomes of the INSSP in collaboration with other Government institutions by specifically ensuring that safety of people and environment is adequately achieved and security of radioactive sources is assured. He has therefore urged participants representing various institutions and experts to more contributions to the development of nuclear security support plan as one of instruments to implement agreement that Rwanda has signed in terms of new nuclear regime.


Peaceful nuclear applications contribute to the Rwanda`s development in various sectors including medical research, energy, agriculture, security, industry and exploration, education, geology and the environment.


Speaking at the Russia-Africa summit held recently in Sochi, Russia that brought together the heads of state and government representatives from 55 countries, Russian President Vladimir Putin said his government was offering African countries an opportunity to use nuclear technology.