Water Supply


The overall objective of water supply is to ensure safe, reliable and affordable water supply services for all 100% by 2017. This will be achieved while strengthening the financial viability of the utility and ensure sustainable functionality of water supply infrastructure by developing effective management structures and well- regulated public private partnership (PPP) arrangements.  


The focus was put on the sustainability, since full water supply service coverage can only be attained if the existing infrastructure continues to function sustainably, and the available resources can be used for serving uncovered areas instead of rehabilitating the existing infrastructure.

For water supply, the tariff guidelines are also essential to reconcile the interest of cost recovery, affordability for the rural poor, and attractiveness for private operators.  The priority has also been given to the water quality surveillance.


In this regard, water quality monitoring systems were put in place to protect the water from contamination that may be caused by damaged spring protection, lacking protection of the catchment area, lack of drainage, reservoirs, broken pipe, etc. The field inspection is also regularly done through water sampling at different points of the water systems, and physical inspection of the local conditions.