
This law was published in the official Gazette No 04 of 23 January 2012.  The was stipulates the Road reserve for national roads, Districts and City of Kigali roads and those of other urban areas, Construction within the road reserve, Restrictions within public road reserve, Removal of facilities installed within a road reserve and Procedure of expropriation for road purposes .

The law also clarifies about road classification, reclassification and naming;technical norms;sites for extraction of materials for road construction and maintenance, road preservation; responsibilities, management, maintenance, financing and development ofroads , concession of roads construction to private entities, width of roads, widening of roads, public domain earmarked for roads and integral parts of the road, among others. The law governing roads in Rwanda starts on the page 33 up to 61.

According to the Law number 55/2011 of 14/12/2011 governing roads in Rwanda; roads are defined into four categories namely:

§  National roads,

§  Districts and City of Kigali roads and that of other urban areas - Class I

§  Districts and City of Kigali roads and that of other urban areas -Class II

§  Specific roads.

The National roads are comprised of the international roads that link Rwanda with neighboring countries; the roads that link Districts or that link a District and the City of Kigali, roads that link areas of tourist significance and facilities of national or international importance such as ports and airports.

The Districts and City of Kigali roads and that of other urban areas – Class One are roads linking different Sectors? headquarters within the same District, or those roads that are used within the same Sector.

Districts and City of Kigali roads and that of other urban areas - Class 2 are the arterial roads that connect Districts roads to rural community centres that are inhabited as an agglomeration.

Specific roads are those specifically constructed to connect national roads or District roads to Kigali City and other urban areas to the centres for private sector’s activities such agricultural production, natural resources processing or to tourist sites.