Senators commend MININFRA for the progress made on implementing resolutions on disaster management

Minister of Infrastructure and Heads of Agencies posing for a photo with members of Rwanda Senate Standing committee on Foreign affairs, cooperation and security.

Kigali, 07 November 2018: The Standing Committee of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation and Security of Rwanda Senate held a consultative meeting with Ministry of Infrastructure and affiliated agencies to discuss how far emergencies that affected infrastructure projects have been resolved. The meeting was also attended by a representative of Rwanda Mines, Petroleum and Gas Board (RMB).


In his remarks, the Minister of Infrastructure, Ambassador Claver Gatete mentioned that infrastructure projects mostly affected during disasters include roads, energy, water projects and houses.


Minister Gatete further addressed Senators that efforts have been made to address issues that required urgent interventions including opening all the National Roads connecting the country to the region.


Efforts have also been made in solving emergencies’ issues using internal utility revenues especially on Energy and water supply projects that were hit by disasters.


With regard to protecting citizens to be hit by lightning, an inventory on publicly accessed buildings with and without lightning rods was completed and REG is helping on appropriate lighting arrestors.


An Emergency cell was also set up with a mission to have all National Road opened and all national roads were opened.  Other alternatives including creating bypasses were also implemented to facilitate connectivity to different areas of the country especially for the district roads and bridges. 


There is also an integrated solution for erosion control on hills using radical and progressive terraces which is being led by Ministry of Environment (MoE) and shall have a great impact on Roads.


To this end, collaboration between key Institutions including MINECOFIN, MIDIMAR, MININFRA, RTDA, WASAC, and REG has been very important with regard to resolving some of the disaster issues.


The Ministry has more strategies to deal with emergencies going forward; these include acquisition of the mobile bridges and ensuring that all infrastructures in place are climate resilient.


On the issue of rain water harvesting raised by senators, Hon. Minister of Infrastructure clarified that rain water harvesting guidelines are almost final for implementation. 


With regard to disaster issues instigated by traditional mining, there are plans by Ministry of Environment to set up a factory that can produce modern mining equipments that can be used by miners.


Efforts will also be put on reclaiming areas (Sites) where mining activities had taken place to avoid more land slides in resulting from mining.


The Senators therefore commended coordination and joint interventions with stakeholders as well as MININFRA’s commitment   to use all possible means to ensure early preparedness for the disasters.

Long term solution including securing required resources in partnership with stakeholders to sustainably resolve disaster impact on infrastructure was found very essential going forward.