Rwanda celebrating the” World Energy Day “for the Second time

Rwanda celebrated World energy day

Kigali, 22nd October, 2014 - Rwanda celebrated World energy day for the second time. The celebrations took place in Rutare Sector, Gicumbi Districtand it was officiated by Honourable Minister of State in Charge of Energy and Water in the Ministry of Infrastructure, Hon. Germaine Kamayirese. 

In her remarks, World Energy Day is commemorated annually on 22nd October to stimulate worldwide awareness of the energy issues and the political commitment and passion to support universal energy access to people.

The Government of Rwanda is looking to achieving the mission of the energy sector, access to safe, reliable, and cost effective energy supply as a basic pillar for economic development and improvement of standards of living for all households and to all economic sectors on a sustainable basis in order to attain the ambitious levels of growth defined under Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy (EDPRS II).

The “World Energy Day “was celebrated under the theme: “Sustainable Energy for All”.

The current total installed power capacity is 119MW from Hydro power projects and even thermal generation. The projected capacity is 563MW by 2017/18.  This goes along with the access to electricity to increase from 21% to 70% by 2017/2018.

Government is also emphasizing the use of other sources of energy especially, Renewable energies such as Geothermal, Gas Methane, Solar PV, and Bio gas to eliminate the dominance of fossil fuels.

The Government is encouraging private sector to engage in Energy investment through public-private partnership to efficiently to promote energy for all and manage energy resources to meet even significant upturn in demand for decades to come.

The Rwanda celebration on World Energy Day “focused on the Inauguration of rural electrification in Rutare sector- Gicumbi District. The electrification led to a positive change by connecting over 4000 households in Rutare sector through grid and off-grid electrification.

 Other activities that were catered for include official launch of Biogas Loan program through UMURENGE SACCO in GS Notre Dame du Bon Conseil in Byumba sector and awareness through exhibitions on use of energy products i.e improved cook stoves, solar systems.