Rwanda to open 32 new air routes

Parliament approved draft laws approving ratification of Bilateral Air Services Agreement (BASAs) that pave cooperation between Rwanda and 32 Countries in the aviation sector.

Kigali, 11 September 2019: Parliament of Rwanda approved draft laws approving the ratification of the Bilateral Air Services Agreement (BASAs) between the Republic of Rwanda 32 Countries.

The approved Bilateral Air Services Agreements approved permit designated airlines of contracting countries to operate commercial flights that cover the transport of passengers and cargo between Rwanda and those countries. They also normally regulate frequency and capacity of air services between countries, pricing and other commercial aspects. 

African countries involved include Angola, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Comoros, Djibouti, Benin, Equatorial Guinea, Gambia, Ghana, Mali, Kingdom of Morocco, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, São Tome and Principe, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Togo, and Zambia.

Other transcontinental agreements involve routes to the Bahamas, People’s Republic of China, Hellenic, Iceland, India, Italy, Israel, Qatar, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Spain, the Swiss Federal Council, and Sri Lanka.

During the parliament’s plenary session, Minister of Infrastructure, Hon. Claver Gatete said that “due to the interest to promote commercial exchange by using air transport services, the Government of Rwanda have concluded and signed Bilateral Air Services Agreement with the 32 countries to open new air routes for the National carrier RwandAir.

In a bid to boost trade and tourism, the Minister of Infrastructure said the agreements will, “broaden our business wings so our Country can cooperate with many other countries.” 

Rwanda has, in the past, signed BASAs with several countries that include Cape Verde, Uganda, Sudan, South Sudan, Lesotho, Swaziland, the Central African Republic (CAR), Canada, Kenya, Malawi and Tanzania – as part of government efforts to increase air connectivity and deepen trade in Africa and beyond.

The laws allow both parties to the agreement to initiate their operations which will liberalize commercial civil aviation services of passengers and cargo. 

A Bilateral Air Services Agreement /BASA (also sometimes called a Bilateral Air Transport Agreement or (BATA) is an agreement which two Nations sign to allow international commercial air transport services between their territories.


The bilateral system has its basis under the Chicago Convention and associated multilateral treaties. The Chicago Convention was signed in December 1944 and has governed international air services since then.


The Chicago Convention also has a range of annexes covering issues such as aviation security, safety oversight, air worthiness, navigation, environmental protection and facilitation (expediting and departure at airports).