Government vows for sustainable urbanization and rural settlement

Some of new constructed buildings in Kigali city

Rwanda faces rapid population growth and high population density which requires a holistic approach to human settlement and housing development for a better positioning in the future.  Therefore, Rwanda has taken a step ahead to plan and master its urbanization, human settlement and housing through policy formulation and strategies implementation. The overall goal of policies and strategies adopted was to promote planned urbanization and human settlement development that enhances local and national economic growth and ensures good quality of life for every Rwandan.


Policies and legal frameworks


Appropriate policies, legal and institutional frameworks for housing and urban development have been established to foster a system and a network of viable human settlements. Looking back in the last 7 years, Rwanda has developed a framework to guide urbanization and human settlement in a way that efficiently use and manage its natural resources while promoting sustainable development.


In 2011, the Law No.20/2011 of 21/06/2011 governing human habitation in Rwanda was developed and gazetted. It governs land occupation and construction on lands reserved for human habitation and makes way for group settlement sites with required infrastructure provision. 


The Law No.10/2012 of 02/05/2012 governing Urban Planning and Building in Rwanda was adopted; this stipulates the basic conditions/regulations governing planning and building management.


Rwanda has adopted a National Urbanization Policy (2015), backing the need for coordinated and integrated planning for viable urban environments. Each District started articulating this into its local economic development strategy and district development plan and annual plans.


Rwanda has also adopted National Housing Policy by 2015 to enable access to housing for all and the policy and its implementation strategy are under implementation.


Furthermore, Prime Minister’s Instructions determining the Conditions and Procedures for Obtaining Government support for Affordable Housing Projects were adopted. These are commitment to financially support private investors in affordable housing.