Kivu Belt Road to drive faster economy and tourism in western province

A view of Kivu Belt road in Mugonero valley

Kigali, 29th April, 2016-Residents in Nyamasheke and Karongi districts in Western Province declare that their economy will be scaled up by the construction of Kivu–Belt Road linking them to other districts as well as regional countries.

Kivu Belt road project links five districts including Rusizi, Nyamasheke, Karongi, Rutsiro and Rubavu as well as connecting Rwanda to regional countries such as Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi, Tanzania and Uganda. The construction project of the road kicked off with Lot 3: Rusizi-Mwityazo (50 Km) in 2010.

Presently, the phase of Mwityazo (Nyamasheke) and Rubengera (Karongi); Lot: 4 & 5, (66km) was fully completed and residents testify how much they have turned profits from the construction of the tarmac road.

Before the construction of the road, transportation of people and goods was costly and consuming much time due to the lack of reliable and affordable transport means. Nyamasheke and Karongi dwellers expressed their contentment about the availability of that road that it eased the economic exchanges related to trade and commerce.

Mukarugwiza Mathilde, a resident of Gihombo Sector in Nyamasheke applauds the government for constructing the road; she testifies that the initiative increased the number of vehicles operating on the route and reduced time they used to spend due to smashed road. “Now days, you can travel to Rusizi in the morning and come back in Karongi in one day, this used to be a dream.

In addition to that, there are transport agencies like Ugusenga and Impala operating in the route with adequate vehicles, before only two ONATRACOM buses were handling the Kigali-Rusizi route and many people were obliged to adjourn their travels due inadequate vehicles”Mukarugwiza said.

Traders in Nyamasheke and Karongi affirm that they significantly benefited from this overriding project. Karemera Isidor, a trader in Tyazo Centre clarifies that before the road construction; they preferred water transport to avoid delays. “This road eased doing business, we used to spend much money and time transporting goods from Kigali and Rubavu , a lorry could spend two days in the road but presently I go in Kigali, buy goods, pack them and get back home here in Nyamasheke in a single day.” Karemera said.

The Kivu Belt entire project will easy local transport and boost regional trade between Rwanda and neighboring countries, it will as well ease tourism in the region with multiple touristic destinations such as Lake Kivu and Nyungwe National Park.

The remaining phase for the project is from Rutsiro to Rubavu; which is Lot 6 & 7 with a total of 70km of which its construction works have already started and in progress.