MININFRA and MINALOC Retreat to harmonize the implementation of infrastructure projects

Participants in a 2 day MININFRA-MINALOC retreat

Kigali 23-24-November, 2014 The Ministries of Infrastructure and Local Government organized a two day retreat to discuss the joint implementation of infrastructure projects to improve service delivery and ensure successful completion of infrastructure related programs as guided by EDPRS II, Government 7 year program and vision 2020 targets.  It was noted that the key objective of the meeting is to discuss priority infrastructure needs, harmonize coordination mechanisms and address pending challenges.  The meeting follows technical meetings that took place in Nyandungu on 23-24 October 2014. The two line Ministers, Hon. James Musoni (MININFRA) and Hon. Francis Kaboneka (MINALOC), further noted the importance of continued dialogue between central and local Government with regards to planning and implementation of infrastructure programs, which are key drivers to the continued social and economic development.  

The meeting was officially opened by Hon. Minister of Local Government, Francis Kaboneka and welcomed participants including Governors, Mayors, District Executive Secretaries and Heads of MININFRA affiliated Institutions who presented the current infrastructure priorities including ongoing projects and related challenges sector by sector. The presentations were followed by discussions, comments and key recommendations.

Among the recommendations therefore, it was agreed that the retreat on joint Implementation of Infrastructure Projects will be taking place twice a year preferably in May and November of each year.

Districts were encouraged to share information on poor performing contractors to avoid having contracts with other districts which would result in delays of projects implementation caused by a single contractor in various districts, Central Government will contribute 80% of the needed budget for public lighting installation 20% of the budget will be availed by the Districts and the tariff cost of public lighting electricity will be revised by Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Authority (RURA).

Decentralization of the Biogas program to be transferred from the Ministry of Infrastructure to the districts to own and be responsible for implementation whereby the Ministry of infrastructure will remain with technical support responsibility.

Districts to develop, budget and own Master Plans and clear operation plans that drive discipline and strong inspection programs including details on the required resources.