Rwanda secures Rwf18 billion for water distribution in four districts

Claudine Uwera, the Minister of State in charge of Economic Planning (right), and OPEC Director-General Abudulhamid Al-khalifa sign the agreement

Kigali, September 26, 2019- The Government of Rwanda and the OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID) yesterday signed a financing agreement for an additional financing water supply and sanitation program worth US$20 million.                                             

The Minister of State in charge of Economic Planning Dr. Claudine Uwera and the Director-General of OFID.  Dr. Abdulhamid Al-Khalifa signed on behalf of their institutions.

The financing will cover water supply infrastructure development mostly in areas having low access. It will contribute to the construction of Kagaga and Busogwe Water Supply systems in Muhanga, Kamonyi and Ruhango Districts.

This will build 9,000 m3/day and 12 000 m3/day water treatment plants and distribution network to provide water supply services to 350,000 people of which 150,000 are in pre urban and rural areas.

Speaking after the signing, the Minister of State in charge of Economic Planning Dr. Claudine Uwera said: “This financing is coming to support and complement Government of Rwanda efforts and commitment to achieve universal access to the water and sanitation services by 2024 as stipulated in our National Strategy for Transformation (NST1)”.

This additional financing is for phase two of the project, which is jointly funded by the African Development Bank, European Investment Bank and the Government of Rwanda. Phase one of the project was $282.318 million, while phase two will cost €135.7 million.

By the completion of phase I and phase II, it is expected that the water and sanitation access will reach 81% of national coverage."

Aimé Muzola, the Chief Executive of Water and Sanitation Corporation (WASAC), said the two phases of project will increase access to clean water in rural areas , and is expected to impact lives of some 1.6 million people.

“But, besides these two projects, the Government is putting in a lot of efforts in several other water supply projects countrywide,” he noted.

OFID Director General Dr. Abdulhamid Al-Khalifa said “The project is consistent with OFID’s commitment of supporting Rwanda’s National Strategy for Transformation which places a strong emphasis on scaling-up investments in reliable, affordable and environmentally sustainable infrastructure”.
The Rwanda Sustainable Water Supply and Sanitation Program aims to improve water and sanitation infrastructure in Kigali and six satellite cities. Benefits include reducing waterborne diseases and related healthcare costs, improving living standards for nearly 1.6 million people and increasing economically incomes generation by providing water supply services to industrial parks located in the City of Kigali and in six satellites cities.

The OFID has in the past approved more than US$182 million in public sector lending to Rwanda across a wide range of sectors and initiatives including energy, transport and agriculture.