Minister of Infrastructure signs Imihigo 2014-2015 with Board Members of MININFRA Affiliated Agencies

Hon.Minister of infrastructure James Musoni (Middle) in a group photo after signing of performance contracts with Board members of Affiliated agencies

16th September, 2014-The Minister of Infrastructure, Honorable James Musoni signed Imihigo/Performance contracts for the financial year 2014 -2015 with the board members and the Managing Directors from the Ministry affiliated agencies. The performance contracts contain the strong commitments meant to improve the level of performance, timeliness of service delivery, improvements for infrastructure modernization as the key steps to reach vision 2020 and economic development and poverty eradication strategy (EDPRS II).

The Ministry of infrastructure (MININFRA) is responsible for Energy, Water and Sanitation, Transport, Housing and urbanization infrastructure development in Rwanda.

The Ministry  has affiliated agencies that are responsible for the management and implementation of the projects and these include: Rwanda Energy Group limited(REG ltd) with its subsidiaries; Energy Utility Corporation limited(EUC ltd), Energy Development Corporation limited(EDC ltd), Water and Sanitation Corporation limited(WASC Ltd), Rwanda Transport Development Agency(RTDA), Rwanda Housing Authority(RHA), RwandAir, Rwanda Civil Aviation Authority(RCAA), Road Maintenance Fund(RMF) and ONATRACOM.

In his remarks, Hon. James Musoni urged putting emphasis on making commitments today for a better tomorrow’s infrastructure development as the new pillar of focus and concentration.

He called upon the senior managers to work hard and be result oriented in line with the Ministry mission “ensuring the sustainable development of infrastructure and contribute to economic growth with a view to enhancing the quality of life of the population.”

Renovating and developing the infrastructure is essential if we are to succeed in integrating to improve the quality services and deliverables. “Minister added”.

The set targets if well met will initiate programs to develop, rehabilitate and maintain an efficient and integrated infrastructure development including sustainable roads, better aviation services, sustainable power generation, affordable shelter and urbanization, adequate water and sanitation facilities, railways networks and water transportation which will contribute towards economic development and regional integration.

Signing Imihigo/performance contracts is a vow to deliver improved services each financial year.  The performance contracts signed will drive the development of customer focused initiatives and the development of policies and strategies concerning national infrastructure in line with regional integration and harmonization policies with the East African Community (EAC).