Honorable Kamayirese visits northern and western provinces.

Hon.Minister of State on official tour to assess the status of infrastructure projects in the Northern Province.

Kigali, 3rd February, 2015-The Minister of State in charge of Energy and Water in the Ministry of infrastructure, Hon. Germaine Kamayirese conducted a three days site tour in the Northern and Western provinces.

The purpose of the visit is to assess the status of infrastructure projects in different districts of the above mentioned provinces and follow up on implementations of resolutions from MININFRA-MINALOC retreat held in November 2014.

The Minister of State visited Rulindo, Gakenke, Musanze, Nyabihu, Burera and Rubavu districts.

The discussions were embarked on examining as a team issues in energy, water and sanitation, transport and urban planning and housing sectors and setting strategies of how they can be solved to reach the EDPRS 2 targets.

Some of the energy projects that were visited include Mukungwa I mini hydro power plant that produces 12 MW and which is under rehabilitation now.

The Minister of State was accompanied by technicians from the Ministry agencies including Rwanda Housing Authority (RHA), Rwanda Energy Group (REG), Water and Sanitation Corporation (WASAC), Rwanda Maintenance Fund (RMF) and Rwanda Transport Development Agency (RTDA).

From the Local Government, the meetings were attended by mayors, vice mayors, executive secretaries from sectors and all districts stake holders.