Muhanga, 25th October 2014

Staff from MININFRA & agencies with residents during umuganda at Nyabarongo I power plant.

The Ministry of Infrastructure with its affiliated agencies conducted community work (UMUGANDA) in Muhanga District, Mushishiro Sector at Nyabarongo I Hydro Power Plant.

The exercise brought together Hon. Ministers, Vincent Biruta of Natural resources, Germaine Kamayirese, Minister of State in Charge of Energy and Water in the Ministry of Infrastructure, Governors of Southern and Northern Provinces, Heads of Security organs, C.E.Os, DGs, Staff from the Ministry and agencies and residents of Muhanga and Ngororero Districts.

The main activity during the community work was to plant trees alongside the power plant dam to protect the environment and tremendous erosion that may occur during heavy rains seasons. This marks the symbol of maintaining and owning this important infrastructure project that is connected to the national grid to produce 28MW meant to reduce power shortages in the country.

After the community work, the meeting was organized for the residents to raise issues that might have occurred as a result of the project and share some experiences with the government leaders for the appropriate solutions.

The officials and the staff visited the plant at the dam and the power house and everyone was impressed by the project and the community work.