Heads of MININFRA agencies sign 2018/19 performance contracts

Hon. Claver Gatete, Minister of Infrastructure (R) and Prof. Mbonyi Manasseh, REG Board Chairperson (L) signing Performance contracts yesterday

Kigali, 11 August 2018- Yesterday Hon. Claver Gatete, Minister of Infrastructure signed 2018/19 Performance contracts/ Imihigo with the Board Chairpersons of the Ministry affiliated agencies. 

In his remarks, Minister Claver Gatete mentioned that performance contracts are developed in line with the long term national programmes such as Vision 2020, National Strategy for Transformation (NST1), Sector Strategic Plans and other national priorities. He urged agencies to double their efforts and implement projects planned in the performance contracts. “Our Ministry and all the affiliated agencies consume a big chunk of the national budget, almost close to a quarter of it. It is therefore, our responsibility to ensure that we achieve our targets with efficiency and create the impact Rwandans deserve.” He said.

Performance contracts cover projects in Energy, Water and Sanitation, Transport, Urbanisation and Human settlement:

In Energy Sector, 134,778 new households will be connected to the national grid and through partnership with private sector; 68,980 households will be connected using off-grid solutions. This means that by the end of the 2018/19 fiscal year, 203,758 new households will be having access to electricity. The Government will also continue to strengthen the network to ensure stability and reduce network losses below 19.5%. 

In Water and Sanitation Sector, the Government has also set a target of providing clean water to 335,306 new households in rural areas and 20,157 new households in urban areas in a bid to meet 2024 target of universal access to clean water. Water production increased from 182,120 m3 per day in 2016/2017 to 237,120m3 per day in 2017/2018, boosted by Nzove water treatment plant; in the year 2018/19 Water production capacity will reach 242,120 m3 per day.

In the transport Sector, the Government has set a target to complete the 51.5km Base-Rukomo road and start construction of 73 Km Rukomo-Nyagatare roads and also continue implementing other ongoing road construction projects. Linking rural communities and productive use areas to market will also continue to be prioritized whereby the rehabilitation of feeder roads in Nyamasheke and Karongi districts (127.6 Km) will be completed. 

In Air Transport, it is planned that passenger number will reach 1,151,300 while five (5) new destinations will be added totaling to 31 destinations.  The destinations to be added in the fiscal year 2018/19 include Addis- Ababa, Guangzhou, Tel-Aviv, Guinea and New York. 

Works for Bugesera International Airport (PhaseI) are on good progress and expected to reach 70% by June 2019; completion is expected before the end of first Quarter of the fiscal year 2019/20.

In regard to improving Urbanization of cities and Urban Transport, the construction works for 54 Km of roads in CoK are on good progress and will as well continue in the Fiscal year 2018/19 to reach 85% by June 2019 and the ongoing road construction projects in six secondary cities will be completed.

During the Fiscal year 2018/19, 967 Households (HHs) living in High Risk Zones will be relocated and resettled to planned settlements.