Effort underway to repair road damages caused by recent heavy rain

Excavation works underway at Kanogo roundabout, City of Kigali

The reparation works for road damages caused by last heavy rain in Kigali City are underway, under the coordination of the joint intervention team from the Ministry of Infrastructure, City of Kigali and Rwanda Transport Development Agency.

At Nyabugogo, the damaged road section was rapidly cleaned and stabilized to allow the flow of traffic after the heavy rain of evening December 18. At this area, the damages resulted from the heavy volume of storm water generated from Mpazi ravine and Nyamirambo road junction which exceeded the capacity of the existing curvets. As a solution for this problem, the other two box curvets of 2x3 meters will be added to support the two existing at the place. After adding the new culverts, the damaged road surface will be again asphalted.

At Kanogo roundabout on the Road from Kigali City Centre to Remera, the damages were also caused by heavy rainfall with subsequent high volume of storm water which failed to be channeled by the existing culvert at the place leading to severe damages on the road.

To repair the section, the new culverts with enough capacity will be also put at the place to avoid pressure on the road. As of now, the topographic survey of the area was concluded, and the machines are at the ground performing the excavation works.

The road junction to the College of Business and Economics (former School of Finance and Banking) was also highly damaged by the heavy rain. For this area, the topographic survey was also concluded, and the reparation team is redesigning the junction before the excavation works commence.

Apart from the highlighted critical areas which were damaged, the joint team has also been assigned to identify other areas that need quick intervention. For long term solution for Nyabugogo area which is often affected by heavy rains, the Government has commissioned the special study for that area.

The reparation works for road damages caused by last heavy rain in Kigali City are underway, under the coordination of the joint intervention team from the Ministry of Infrastructure, City of Kigali and Rwanda Transport Development Agency.

At Nyabugogo, the damaged road section was rapidly cleaned and stabilized to allow the flow of traffic after the heavy rain of evening December 18.  At this area, the damages resulted from the heavy volume of storm water generated from Mpazi ravine and Nyamirambo road junction which exceeded the capacity of the existing curvets. As a solution for this problem, the other two box curvets of 2x3 meters will be added to support the two existing at the place. After adding the new culverts, the damaged road surface will be again asphalted.

At Kanogo roundabout on the Road from Kigali City Centre to Remera, the damages were also caused by heavy rainfall with subsequent high volume of storm water which failed to be channeled by the existing culvert at the place leading to severe damages on the road.

To repair the section, the new culverts with enough capacity will be also put at the place to avoid pressure on the road. As of now, the topographic survey of the area was concluded, and the machines are at the ground performing the excavation works. 

The road junction to the College of Business and Economics (former School of Finance and Banking) was also highly damaged by the heavy rain.  For this area, the topographic survey was also concluded, and the reparation team is redesigning the junction before the excavation works commence. 

Apart from the highlighted critical areas which were damaged, the joint team has also been assigned to identify other areas that need quick intervention. For long term solution for Nyabugogo area which is often affected by heavy rains, the Government has commissioned the special study for that area.