Japan –Rwanda vows strengthened ties for infrastructure development

Dr. NZAHABWANIMANA Alexis, Minister of State in Charge of Transport and Hiroyuki NAKADA, the Chief Representative of JICA

Kigali, on 19th July 2016- Dr NZAHABWANIMANA Alexis, Minister of State in Charge of Transport received Mr. Hiroyuki NAKADA, the Chief Representative of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA),Rwanda Office.

The main objective of Hiroyuki’s visit was to present the priorities set by JICA towards the infrastructure development especially in transport sector towards the economic transformation.

The first priority is extension of road network in the Country. This will enhance “Economic transformation of Rwanda by increasing internal and external connectivity of Rwanda’s economy.

As a landlocked country, the only means of over land transportation in Rwanda are roads, either by using the Northern Corridor through Uganda to Kenya’s Mombasa Port or the Central Corridor to Dar es Salaam to access foreign markets.

Hiroyuki TAKADA reaffirmed that, the Japanese Government is much committed to continuously support Rwanda’s economic sustainability especially in transport infrastructure.  

Among the completed projects supported by Japanese Government include the Construction of Rusumo International Bridge and One Stop Border Post (OSBP) Facilities that links Rwanda and Tanzania in the Eastern Province, access road to TUMBA College of Technology, in Rulindo District, mention but a few.

Under the strong partnership, JICA signed a loan agreement of $68.4 million to support the rehabilitation of Kayonza-Rusumo-Kagitumba Road (208 km). The Construction works are expected to start in November 2016 and will be completed in September 2019.

JICA has also shown interest in financing one part of Kibungo-Ramiro-Nyanza Road Project (130km) with a probable amount of $60-100 million.