Prepaid Energy: Rent to Own Solar Home Systems Project launched in the Eastern Province

Rent to Own Solar Home Systems project launched in the Eastern Province

Rwamagana,11 November 2014-The Minister of State in charge of Energy and Water in the Ministry of Infrastructure, Honorable Germaine Kamayirese, and H.E. Ambassador Michael Ryan, Head of the EU Delegation to Rwanda, officially launched the project “Prepaid Energy – Rent to Own Solar Home Systems.


 The project aims at improving access to electricity for rural households in Rwanda by providing high quality solar systems to be installed in 49 000 households and 1 000 schools with the ultimate objective to serve 645 000 people in the Eastern Province who will benefit from access to affordable, clean and sustainable energy.


H.E.  Arnout Pauwels, Ambassador of Belgium to Rwanda and Co-chair of the Energy Sector Working Group, also attended the solar energy event in Rwamagana.

The project is jointly funded by the Government of Rwanda, European Union and Implemented by Mobisol, a German energy company. The project proposes an innovative solution to facilitate access to solar energy for poor households through an easy mobile money payment plan.


Commenting on the launching of the Mobisol project, Hon. Minister of State Kamayirese said "To ensure a continued high growth rate, Rwanda needs safe, reliable and cost-effective energy. The Government of Rwanda is determined to substantially increase the national power generation capacity by developing all available resources and to give 70 % of our households access to electricity by 2017 through combined on grid and off grid solutions. A project such as the one we are launching today is one of several others around the country and a good example of fruitful cooperation with our development partners."


“The commendable achievements of the Government of Rwanda in reducing poverty and improving the lives of citizens can be consolidated and expanded through increased access to sustainable and affordable sources of energy. The goal of this initiative is just that and the EU is proud to be associated with such an innovative

 Project", commented H.E. Ambassador Ryan.

The support for the energy sector will focus on power generation, access to energy for urban and rural households, energy efficiency and reduction of diesel and biomass dependency.

The project supports the agenda of the Government of Rwanda to increase access to electricity in rural areas by using sustainable sources of energy.