Local population in Huye urged to show difference in WASH practices

Children are fetching water at Rugango water point as officials from Ministry of Infrastructure, World Vision Rwanda and Huye District look on.

Huye, 24 September 2019:  Ministry of Infrastructure in partnership with World Vision Rwanda organized, in Huye District, an Open Day for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Partners Networking Event under Water and Sanitation Sector Working Group.

This event was part of WASH best Practices Sharing, Learning and Knowledge Exchanges among stakeholders aiming in a bid to set strategies to reach NST1 goals by 2024 and SDGs #6 by 2030.

During the event, WASH Partners/Stakeholders, Huye District authorities and District WASH Board members were in attendance. They visited World Vision initiatives in the District in the spirit of looking at how World Vision is supporting the district to reach universal WASH coverage by 2024.

Two major events dominated the day including the inauguration of latrines constructed at Groupe Scolaire Kabusanza and Shyembe Health Post, both located in Simbi Sector and the inauguration of Sovu-Mbazi Water Supply System constructed in the partnership between World Vision International, Huye District and WASAC with the purpose of supply safe water to 5,630 people in seven villages of Sovu and Mbazi Sectors.  The overall project cost is RwF 340 million.

Speaking at the function, the Vice-Mayor in charge of Economic affairs in Huye District, Mr. Kamana André expressed his commitment in working with other stakeholders to make sure that district residents get full access to water and sanitation services. He appreciated World Vision International for “its valuable contribution to the district”. He also called upon all partners and stakeholders to joint efforts for the same purpose.

“I appreciate the coordination role being played by Ministry of Infrastructure as a pillar of success in water supply provision to the population of the whole country including those from Huye District”, he concluded.

The Representative of World Vision Rwanda requested local population to show a difference in hygiene practice with respect to the time before getting this system.

Local residents expressed their appreciation to the Government of Rwanda for the efforts being made to avail water to the population located in remote areas.  

“Before getting this water supply system, we used to face a number of challenges including schools drop out or delays, water borne diseases due to the use of dirty water from swamps (unimproved sources) very far from their dwelling” they mentioned.

Water and Sanitation SWAp Secretariat Coordinator at Ministry of Infrastructure who was representing the Ministry, Fidele Nteziyaremye urged the population to protect and sustain this water supply system in order to allow government to focus on other areas that still have the issue of water access.

“On behalf of Minister of Infrastructure, I take this opportunity to ask district officials to make a clear plan and allocate enough financing for the development of water supply to meeting the objectives of the national water supply and sanitation policies that aim at having full access to water supply and sanitation services by the year 2024”, he said.