Tremendous development in water sector

Nzove II water treatment plant with 25,000 m3/day production capacity inaugurated by His Excellency Paul Kagame on 28th March 2016

Under national strategic development agenda, water and sanitation projects and programs were expected to greatly contribute in increasing access to basic infrastructure to both urban and rural households and reach 100% coverage of water supply and sanitation services nationwide by 2017. 

Therefore, over the last 7 years, Access to improved water source increased from 74.2% in 2010 (EICV3) to 88.5% by 2016 taking into account EICV4 of 2013/14 and considering the 2015/16 connected households 423,318 (Rural and Urban connections). 

Water production capacity

Four (4) new water Treatment plants were constructed with 29,600m3/day production capacity since 2010 to 2016.  These include:

-       NZOVE II Water Treatment Plant with 25,000m3/day production capacity to supply drinking water in the City of Kigali.

-       GIHENGERI Water Treatment Plant with 2,500m3/day production capacity to supply water in Gatsibo District.

-       NYABIMATA Water Treatment Plant and MATA Water Treatment Plant with 1,500m3 /day and 600m3/day production capacity respectively in Nyaruguru District.

-       In order to address water shortage and cover the water demand gap in Kigali, the Government has signed another contract with Culligan International for the upgrading of Nzove II Water Treatment Plant and optimize it to full capacity of 40,000m3/day. Construction of New Nzove I with a production capacity of 40,000m3/day that can be upgraded up to 65,000m3/day; Construction of Forwarding infrastructure towards Mt. Kigali (4Km 600mm Ductile Pipe, Construction and installation of 2 pump houses, Construction of 2 reservoirs with 7,000M3 capacity); Construction of a new intake and installation of Chlorine Production Unit are also planned.

-       Since 2010 to date, Six (6) Water Treatment Plants were rehabilitated and upgraded. These include:

·   KADAHOKWA Water Treatment Plant in Huye City was upgraded from 4,000m3/day to 8,500 m3/day production capacity.

·   MPANGA/NYANZA Water Treatment Plant was upgraded from 1,200m3/day to 3,200 m3/day production capacity.

·   NYAMABUYE/GICUMBI Water Treatment Plant was upgraded from 1,100m3/day to 1,600 m3/day production capacity.

·   There are 3 Water treatment plants under  construction under LVWATSAN II project that are expected to produce 10,210m3/ day in Nyanza, Nyagatare and Kayonza district.

·   It is expected that water production will be increased up to 201,000m3/day by 2017/2018 in the City of Kigali and other towns.

Water supply infrastructure

2,291 km of new water supply systems were constructed in rural areas to supply water to 1,536,680 People.

-       Through rural water supply program (PNEARII/Programme National Eau et Assainissement Rural), 447 Km of water supply systems were constructed in six (6) Districts: Musanze, Rulindo, Gicumbi, Rutsiro, Karongi and Nyamasheke.

-       Through PEAMER project (rural water supply project in Gatsibo, Nyagatare, Huye, Nyanza, Gisagara, Ruhango, Kamonyi, Rusizi and Nyamasheke), 269 km of water supply systems were constructed to supply water to 158,225 people in these Districts.

-       Through PEPAPS project in rural areas, 628 km of water supply systems were constructed to supply water to 298,246 people in Nyaruguru, Gisagara and Huye Districts.

-       Through WASH project in Northern and Western Provinces, 646 km of water supply systems were constructed to supply water to 522,669 people in Burera, Musanze, Nyabihu and Rubavu Districts.

-       Through FEA project (Fonds de l’eau et Assainissement), 86 km of water supply system were constructed to supply water to 50,540 people in Nyamagabe and Nyaruguru Districts.

-       Through JICA Water Project in Western Province, 92 km of water supply system were constructed to supply water to 63,000 people in Kirehe and Ngoma Districts.

-       Mbona-Nyabirasi water supply system, 123 km were constructed to supply water to 55,000 people located in Kivumu, Nyabirasi Sectors in Rutsiro District and Nyundo, Nyamyumba Sectors in Rubavu District.

Ongoing projects

-       Giheke –Kamembe-Nkanka Water supply system(112km) in Rusizi District under Government financing is under construction to supply water to Rusizi town and other surrounding 4 sectors : Giheke, Gihundwe, Nkanka, and Bushenge Hospital in Nyamasheke District

-        Nyungwe-Kibeho-Ndago-Coko Water supply system (105km) in Nyaruguru District under Government Financing is under construction to supply water to Kibeho holly land and other surrounding sectors and commercial centers.

-       Nkombo water supply system also under development for supplying water to Nkombo Island is almost completed now.