Rwanda commends GGGI’s for its support green urbanization and sustainable city development.

Participants to the Joint GGGI 9th Session of the Assembly and 13th Session discussed their efforts and commitment to green growth solutions.

On 28 October 2020, Permanent Secretary at Ministry of Infrastructure, Eng. Patricie Uwase, together with the Permanent Secretary at Ministry of Environment, Patrick Karere; attended the virtual 9th Session of the Assembly and 13th Session of the Council of Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), hosted by GGGI Headquarters in Seoul, South Korea.


This joint session was attended by delegates from 32 Members and 10 Observers of GGGI.

The Joint Session chaired by Mr. Ban Ki-moon, President and Chair of GGGI, aimed at giving opportunity to Members and partners of GGGI to discuss their efforts and commitment to green growth solutions, highlighting key achievements and initiatives.


In her remarks to the Joint Session, Permanent Secretary Patricie Uwase mentioned that GGGI has been working with Rwanda on a number of strategic programs under our National Strategy for Transformation currently under implementation until 2024.  “These programs are key to Rwanda’s transition to inclusive green economy as well as ensuring environmental sustainability”, she said

Permanent Secretary Uwase noted that the Government of Rwanda has submitted the updated Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) in May 2020 which are under implementation process to ensure green growth for the country. Eng. Uwase commended GGGI’s for supporting green urbanization and sustainable city development.

“Together, we have worked on flood and landslide risk management, sustainable waste management, green buildings and construction, and in the near future, on sustainable mobility”, she said.


In the lead up to the Assembly and Council Session, GGGI held virtual consultations with its Members to discuss agenda items, including updates on membership, accession, and country programming; reports on programs and operations; as well as review GGGI’s on-going efforts to track and report on impacts.


Decisions from the Joint session included, the approval of the Work Program and Budget (WPB) 2021-2022, which outlines GGGI’s programmatic and financial plans in the next biennium to support Members with their green growth transformation and the approval of GGGI’s Corporate Results Framework (CRF) 2021-2025, which provides the framework to measure and demonstrate the impact of GGGI’s work on its Members’ and partners’ green growth transformation.


GGGI is supporting Rwanda in the greening of the New Bugesera International Airport, a state-of-the-art airport, which upon completion will demonstrate energy and resource efficiency as well as overall sustainability of the airport infrastructure.