Investment Opportunities in Infrastructure Sector

Rwanda is investing heavily in infrastructure sector, as it is the key backbone of development. Rwanda is also ranked among the best performers worldwide in doing business, since it is recognized for its safe and profit- promising environment. Thus, the country warmly welcomes all potential investors to the sector. The Rwanda's Infrastructure sector presents the following investment opportunities among others:

1.    Transport Sector

-          Bugesera International Airport

-          Mombasa- Kampala- Kigali Railway

-          Dar es  Salaam – Isaka- Kigali Railway

-          Bus Rapid Transport Lines (BRT) for Kigali City

-          Ring Roads for Kigali City

-          Bypass Roads in five key cities

-          Express Way to Bugesera  Airport (EWBA)

-          Roads Construction

2.    Energy Sector

-          Hydro , Solar ,Peat , Geothermal and Methane gas power Generation

-          Eldoret – Kampla- Kigali Oil Pipeline

-          Common Energy Generation project

3.    Water  Sector

-          Kigali Bulk Water Supply

-          Kigali Water Network

-          Kigali Centralized Sewer System

-          Gicumbi Water Supply System

4.    Urbanization & Housing Sector

-          Ministerial Complex

-          National Archives

-          Affordable Housing

-          Urban Site servicing in six secondary cities and Kigali with public infrastructure and utilities

-          Increase of local production of construction materials


For more details about the projects, please click on the attachment below: