1. Creation

Technical Secondary School of IPRC KARONGI was initiated in 1989 by the Government of Rwanda supported by the World Bank in terms of equipments and infrastructures.  In September 1990, the first batch of 160 students divided up in four classes all boarded was admitted in the school year 1990/1991 with trades of Industrial Installations, Heavy Machine Mechanics and Maintenance mechanics. The school started with four Trainers including a Director. At that time, the school had two Workshops, six classrooms, four dormitories, a kitchen + dining room, an administrative block and fifteen houses for trainers. 

2. Evolution

In April 1994, the Genocide arose when the fist batch was about to graduate in July of that year. The school then stopped its activities because of the war. There was looting of equipments, tools and teaching materials especially for Automobile Mechanics option. The presence of the MINUAR (United Nations Mission to Rwanda) and afterward those of Operation called "Turquoise" increased largely this situation of looting and destruction. 

On 23rd October 1995 classes resumed with the support of "GTZ/ETO-MINEDUC" project.  The reopening started with two trades: General and Motor Vehicle mechanics ordinary level (A3) with six classes from senior one to four with a total number of 182 boarded students (181 boys and one girl). The personnel included five administrators (Director, Deputy in charge of studies, Deputy in charge of discipline, Bursar, Secretary), three permanent trainers and three visiting trainers. 

On the 25th May 1996, senior students arrived (53 students) giving an effective total of 235 students and the training personnel passed to 10 permanent trainers and 5 visiting ones. 

In the school year 1996-1997, the trade of Electricity was introduced.

In the school year 2002-2003, the Advanced Level began in ETO KIBUYE in two departments: 

General Mechanics and Electricity

In the school year 2005, the Advanced Level in Automobile Mechanics appeared as well. 

In 2012 the trades in place are the following: 

- Motor Vehicle Mechanics (Advanced level)

- General Mechanics (Advanced level)

- Electricity (Advanced level)

- VTC (Engine & Domestic Electrical Installation)

In November 2012 the Government of Rwanda decided to upgrade ETO KIBUYE to an Integrated Polytechnic Regional Center (IPRC) consisting of a College of Technology awarding Advanced Diploma, Technical Secondary School and Vocational Training Center.