
To strengthen local and International Relations, IPRC KARONGI pertains with various organizations and institutions. Some projects are created through resulting from such partnership.

*       Swiss Contact


  1. Promoting Market Oriented Skills training in Great Lakes Region
  2. Construction of 5 VTCs in the Western Province of Rwanda where IPRC KARONGI has a mandate of supervising all VTCs and Technical Secondary Schools
  3. Training of Trainers in Quality tools for the better and fruitful Technical training
  4. Offering various trainings for the School Curriculum Development, Pedagogical Monitoring and many more

IPRC KARONGI in a meeting with Swiss Contact representatives to Strengthen Partnership

IPRC Kigali as an Integrated Polytechnic Regional Centre based in the Capital of Rwanda and having founded before other polytechnics has a good experience to share with other schools, IPRC KARONGI has pertained with the above said in the following projects:

  1. Architectural and Structural design bill of quantities and tender documents for IPRC KARONGI Academic Building.
  2. Consultancy in design

Front view of Academic Building to be built at IPRC West

Academic block Real View, made in consultancy with IPRC Kigali

*      PSF

  1. A tight relation between IPRC KARONGI and Private Sector Federation is built countrywide that the school attend PSF exhibition and many of times scoops awards of Best Exhibitors. This is in addition to sponsorship between two parties in case needed but also linking the institution services and trainees  with private companies whom we train for and whom we exchange services and provide industrial attachment for trainees

IPRC KARONGI attended the western Province Exhibition 2013 organized by PSF and scoop the Best Exhibitor Award

Digital Opportunity Trust Rwanda(dot)

* IPRC KARONGI also have partnership with DoT Rwanda for training Opportuntities of students;media and other organisations to ease services and improve service provision.

Association de Microfinances au Rwanda(AMIR)

The partnership with this board enable IPRC KARONGI students and staff have access to financial anf entrepreneurship training opportunities.As a technical training Institution,trainees would face a number of challenges at work if they finish without knowledge in fancial and resources management,projects development and management just to name few. collaboration and relations with AMIR makes this effectively and efficiently well assured.

Commission Nationale de Lutte contre le Genocide(CNLG)

Our country has faced tremendous tragic events including the one of the 1994 Genocide against Tutsi in Rwanda which took more than a Million of Tutsi lives and left orphans, widows and widowers. Therefore, healing scornful-hearts and minds affected include enabling survivors earn lives and prepare bright future. Every year IPRC KARONGI provide some scholarships to students survivor of genocide designated by CNLG as it conducts other outreach activities to survivors.