Technical Secondary School

Technical Secondary School (TSS)

Admission requirements are based on the results of the following examinations:

  1. Ordinary level examination results posted by Rwanda Education Board (REB) for Technical Secondary School.
  2. Senior Secondary School Certificate Awarded by Rwanda Education Board (REB) for College of Technology.
  3. Final Technician and other relevant Certificates Awarded by recognized and accredited bodies.
  4. Certificates awarded by other national/international examination bodies translated into English shall be considered on their merits

Application procedure

  • Full time students are posted by Rwanda Education Board (REB)
  • Fulltime-self sponsored students address their applications to the principal

Fees Structure for Technical Secondary Students


Public students


School fees


Each term


12.000 Rwf

Once in three years


6.500 Rwf

Once in three years


4.800 Rwf

Once in three years

Health Insurance(MUSA)

3000 Rwf

Once a year



Once in term


800 Rwf

Once in three years

Students ID

500 Rwf

Once in three years

Other materials:

Ream of paper (one per 3 Years)

1 Slasher

Dishes (plate, fork, spoon and knife

1 bucket or basin

1 can (big)

Mattress sheets and blanket

Notebooks: at least 7 of 200 pages each, 2 registers and 2 graphic notebooks

Sport clothes

Hygienic paper

4 photographs (passport)

School report of senior three (last Year)

1 pair of polished black shoes

White socks (2 pairs)


- Whoever doesn’t meet all requirements mentioned above can’t be allowed to study in this school

- The school fees is only deposited at one of IPRC WEST bank accounts.

-Only the cash deposit slip is accepted.

- Students must respect the arrival date

- No student is allowed to carry a phone at school. If this happens he/she is expelled from school.

Any amount of money paid on behalf of IPRC, West must be deposited into

IPRC WEST account number: 00087 0390341-29 available in The Bank of Kigali (BK)