Vocation Training Center

IPRC WEST Vocational Training Center comprises two main occupations including Hospitality Management Sector as well as  Construction &  Servicing .This is in the framework of increasing Services to the Community and enabling young Rwandans to be self-employed and they contribute to the development of the community and the country.It is also to implement the government poicies related to poverty eradication,creationg of off-Farm jobs for youth and developing self -reliant  citizens.

Therefore,the following two points summarises services delivered in the Vocational Training Centre of IPRC West:

-Hospitality Management

  • *Culinary Art
  • *Food and Beverage Operations
  • *Housekeeping Operations
  • *Frond Office Operations

-Construction and Servicing 

  • *Masonry
  • *Carpentry
  • *Domestic Plumbing
  • *Domestic Electricity
  • *Welding
  • *MVM