Rwanda Energy Group Limited (REG) BACKGROUND

Rwanda Energy Group Limited (REG) started after the Government of Rwanda undertaken reforms in the energy and water sector, which have been concretized by the separation of energy from water operations. The main objectives being; to have sector focused and efficient operations; attract more investment; improve planning and accountability; and increase access to services by the population to drive sector performance towards the targets envisaged in the EDPRS II and other national goals.

To this end, the Government adopted the corporatization model as a vehicle to implement the required reforms. The law repealing EWSA Law of 97/2013 of January 31, 2014 paved the way for the creation of two corporate entities which were subsequently incorporated in July 2014 with 100% government shareholding those are REG and WASAC. The Rwanda Energy Group Limited (REG) and its two subsidiaries; The Energy Utility Corporation Limited (EUCL) and The Energy Development Corporation Limited (EDCL) entrusted with energy development and utility service delivery.

REG vision is to be the leading regional provider of innovative and sustainable energy solutions for national development and its mission consist of developing and providing reliable and affordable energy while creating value for stakeholders.


Subsidiary Companies

The Energy Development Corporation Limited (EDCL) was incorporated to have devoted attention to;

  • Increasing investment in development of new energy generation projects in a timely and cost efficient manner to expand supply in line with EDPRS and other national targets,
  • Develop appropriate transmission infrastructure to evacuate new plants and deliver energy to relevant distribution nodes; and
  • Plan and execute energy access projects to meet the national access targets.

The Energy Utility Corporation Limited (EUCL) was incorporated to have devoted attention in providing energy utility services in the Country through operations and maintenance of existing generation plants, transmission and distribution network and retail of electricity to end-users.